

This policy applies to all clients, stakeholders and staff who use Mununjali services, collaborate with Mununjali services, deliver services on behalf of Mununjali as a paid employee or volunteer or represent or act for Mununjali in any official capacity as a company member, volunteer or are an employee of Mununjali.  

Any information gained in the execution of Mununjali business is owned by the organisation and is subject to Mununjali policies and procedures and its Code of Conduct. 

Mununjali is committed to ensuring compliance to the 13 Principles of the Australian Privacy Principles. 

As per the Australian Privacy Principle APP 2, clients may exercise the option of not identifying themselves or may use a pseudonym within applicable legal requirements and obligations. 

Through the services it provides, Mununjali may collect the following information from clients or through referral processes depending upon what services those clients utilise, to be able to provide those services effectively; 

Name  School contact details 
Address  Guardian details 
Date of Birth  Income statements 
Medicare number  Bank details 
Telephone numbers – mobile and landline  Taxation 
Medical information – including  medications  Superannuation 
Dietary information – including allergies  All forms of Identity 
Doctor contact details  Family history 
Next of kin details  Rental history 


This information will be collected through referral and/or using approved Mununjali forms at intake or initial assessment and ongoing as required to ensure that the required services are provide. 

The information will be held as hard copies in secure locations within Jymbi and Jymbilung and updated as required. It will also be entered into a spreadsheet for PACE, ARC for Wellbeing/FPP and TRACS for Jymbilung by the Case Managers for each client.  

The computer system is secured to prevent any external access to this information, and this is regularly reviewed to ensure compliance. The ARC system can be accessed externally for reporting purposes but with no name identifiers. 

 The spreadsheet and programs are used to manage client services, and to prepare client de-identified reports for Management meetings and government reporting. At no time is client information which will identify the client, used for reporting. 

Client services are managed through the following processes; 

  • At Jymbilung, Client information is presented at the Client Management Meetings each week to review current services and to determine any other support required. The Progress Notes are updated as required. These are attended by the Case Managers, Division Co-ordinator, Rec Team Senior and the RN, Senior Service Consultant. TRACS and the Care Plan for each client is updated as required. 
  • At Mununjali Jymbi, the Senior Practice Team meet with client case management worker/s individually each week to review each client and determine actions required. Every six to eight weeks there is a review of all open case plans to determine any changes or further actions that may be required. Due to the nature of our work and the client group we work with, it is acknowledged that the spreadsheet or ARC is updated as required as there can unexpected changes to case plans at anytime. 

A client may access their information at any time by requesting this of their specific Case Manager. Each client will be given these contact details at Intake at Jymbi and in the Initial Assessment at Jymbilung. The Case Manger must then follow the Client Information Procedure to provide this information within a working day of the request. 

If a client or their representative feels that there has been a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and their information has not been kept private and confidential, they are invited to email the General Manager on 

This complaint will be directed to the General Manager to address as per the Client Information Procedure. 

Staff, volunteer and Board member information will be collected only for the purpose of the work and will be held in a secure location. It will not be disclosed to any other party with express written permission from the staff member, volunteer or Board member unless it is a legal obligation to disclose it, as an example for taxation purposes. 

At no time will any client or staff / volunteer information be disclosed to any overseas recipient. 

This policy will be on display at the Reception of both Jymbi and Jymbilung and on our website. A copy will also be provided to each client at Intake (Jymbi) and the Initial Assessment (Jymbilung). 

Staff will be trained in Privacy and Confidentiality annually as per the Training Matrix and it is included in the Staff Handbook, and Induction for all new staff. 

Any contractors working for Mununjali who may come into contact with client information as part of their work are to sign the Confidentiality Agreement. 

This policy will be reviewed annually as per the Governance Calendar and recorded in the Change Register.